Sunday, February 28, 2010

Slow like a snail

Recently I have been puttering on the car. You know cleaning, coating and repairing, some of it was easy, most was cheap and some was very difficult. The labours of my efforts is that I have gotten a lot done in a reasonable time. As the project progresses I know there will be problems but other than one broken bolt in a rivnut everything has gone well.

I have gotten the foot peddles all fixed up, all that is left to do is get the links for the carbs installed. As usual they are all powder coated for protection.

The master cylinders for the breaks are in and connected to the peddles

Some of the fire wall is still to complete , some is done and some will have to wait until other parts I don't have, are installed first.

The front right suspension is on and the left shock is on, as soon as the left bushings get reamed and fitted to the king pin it can go on as well.

Thanks for taking interest in the Healey and checking out my Blog

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