Friday, November 25, 2011

Sad News in Victoria

This post is not a happy one as I have to deal with the loss of a friend and mentor today. My friend Roy Moore passed away Wednesday Nov 23 2011, I will miss him very much. Roy was a friend and mentor in the restoration of my 100/6 over the past couple of years. Known around Victoria as Mr Healey his knowledge and ability's will be lost and leave a large gap in the restoration community, I don't think there is any thing that Roy  didn't know about the Big Healeys and if he didn't know he knew where to go to get the answer. Roy almost finished his 33rd full restoration of a Big Healey a metalic blue 100/6 BN6 two seater, but it wasn't to be because the upholsterer was too slow to finish the job he started in the spring, hence Roy never saw it finished, it is a shame. Every one please raise their wrench to Roy.

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