Monday, April 18, 2011

Our first club function with the OECC

Laura telling a viewer all about it
Even though it is not finished (interior mainly) I took it to the local restoration show at Heritage Acres this last weekend. There were many club members that saw it for the first time. All were happy to see it, and said I did a good job of restoring it, a nice vote of confidence to my efforts. The most asked question other than what year  is it (57) was "is that the original colour?" to which the answer is yes not common but original.

I enjoyed getting out in the nice weather with it and showing it off. It seems that every where I go in it someone comes and wants to see it and compliment me on restoring it as so many end up as rubbish at the dump.  Beside us was a Sunbeam Tiger (the red one) and a Daimler 250 just visible (the white one) both restored to original, and absolutely stunning. On the other side were three Morris 1000's a woody wagon, a coupe, and a drop top (convertible) also all were in wonderful condition.

The next  outing will be the Father's day gathering at Beacon Hill Park there is usually 250+ English cars
in attendance. I am also thinking of going to Van Deusen Gardens in May in Vancouver not sure about that one.

1 comment:

  1. hi Aaron, nice to see you managed to get it ready for the car show. Hope the fathers day one was as successful. We're in Tuscany now and will be back at the end of the month. see you then. Joanna and Harry
