Monday, April 18, 2011

Our first club function with the OECC

Laura telling a viewer all about it
Even though it is not finished (interior mainly) I took it to the local restoration show at Heritage Acres this last weekend. There were many club members that saw it for the first time. All were happy to see it, and said I did a good job of restoring it, a nice vote of confidence to my efforts. The most asked question other than what year  is it (57) was "is that the original colour?" to which the answer is yes not common but original.

I enjoyed getting out in the nice weather with it and showing it off. It seems that every where I go in it someone comes and wants to see it and compliment me on restoring it as so many end up as rubbish at the dump.  Beside us was a Sunbeam Tiger (the red one) and a Daimler 250 just visible (the white one) both restored to original, and absolutely stunning. On the other side were three Morris 1000's a woody wagon, a coupe, and a drop top (convertible) also all were in wonderful condition.

The next  outing will be the Father's day gathering at Beacon Hill Park there is usually 250+ English cars
in attendance. I am also thinking of going to Van Deusen Gardens in May in Vancouver not sure about that one.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It drives Igor It drives!!

Today was the first day that the car was insured. I just had to go the Sidney and let Jason and Shawn at Jetstream Custom Auto see it first. I think they were impressed that it was in a drivable in such a short time and that it ran and looked super. I then went to my oldest brothers place (on the way home) and showed him that it was on the road. In the sun and on the side of the road it really did look nice.

The main  three things that are left are the front grill I have to assemble the bits for it and rivet every thing together, I am still waiting for the right rivets. The next thing is the carpet, I have to order the kit from England and install it, it is just the cost at this point holding this back. The third thing is the rest of the trim panels, and again this won't be done until next winter because of the costs involved, just a matter of time.

Even though it is not complete it is drivable and I still can't get the grin off my face. I will try to enjoy it the way it is, I think that is fair to it and to me. I will be up loading pictures as I get them from the different places Laura and I go for the fun of it. The first is this weekend, I am expecting to take it to the Old English Car Club swap meet, assuming the weather cooperates hope it does.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

More finishing work

I was supposed to be at a dog race this weekend but I  got sooooo  tired I came home and slept for 12 hours. I then was a little sluggish getting going but managed a couple of cups of tea before I started working on the car.

I started on the headlights and got the retainer clip installed and the buckets permanently installed, I then had to clean up the chrome pieces and get the pigtails installed for the lights them self. I had to be very careful as these are the original LUCUS lights and I realy want to use them

Door Piller
The next was the door catches. I have powder coated the backer and spacing plates and installed them with the piping for the door shut panels. The passenger door went together very easy but the drivers door is a brute and is not co-operating. The shut plates are the original ones and have been cleaned up and refinished.  I think they look good as the original finish and shapes are not available any more.