Saturday, September 11, 2010

Things are still progressing

I haven't been posting much as the progress has been hard to see. Lots of little steps and nothing that is noticeable on any pictures I have taken. But, the latest steps have been a little more noticeable, the installation of the drivers seat rails set, the passenger seat is fixed. I have used a new chrome source for the emergency brake handle, which I think turned out superb. These two changes have been quite welcome.

I have also finished cleaning and painting the transmission this week it is now ready to marry to the engine and then drop the whole assembly into the car. I replaced the rear seal, it was a challenge but I got it done and back together.

I painted the cross in front of the radiator black, this is one of those jobs I was not excited to do but turned out it was quite easy with good results. Surprising what a lot of masking tape and paper will accomplish. I also rebuilt the original fuel pump rather than use the new one I bought, since it didn't fit.


  1. Only one photo can be set at correct definition
    5 others have very poor quality.
    Seem a very nice and professional job as usual
    Cheers Andrea

  2. Aaron
    You have a lot of pieces of wood under and over the seats rails but only 4 for car neded
