Monday, September 20, 2010

Even more gets done

I spent part of today to trim the mounting bolts the new ones were about 3/8th too long I also tightened up the rear mount also. I also installed the clutch slave and put the generator in place, I can't locate the bolt for this so I will make one later this week. All in all it has been a very productive day and I look forward to continuing the assembly later this week. As usual work gets in the way yet again.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Next big step is done

I went to Sidney yesterday to get a new satellite receiver from my best friend. On the way I stopped in to see if Jason was around. My older brother is having a BN6 restored for him in metallic light blue, I really wanted to see what his freshly painted chassis looked like.

Any way I mentioned that the engine was ready to go in, to which Jason said there is the engine lift and that he would be happy to help. I thought about it for about 5 nano seconds and asked if he was sure so the lift was put in my van and I took it home waiting for Sun afternoon.

This morning Laura (my wife) and I put the transmission and engine together. A couple of hours later Jason arrived and the install began there was only one or two small problems that only took minutes to overcome. It was obvious it was not Jason's first rodeo. An hour later it was in and secured ready for the next step of assembly. To me this was way over the top for Jason to help, I can't properly convey to him how much I appreciate his help. Thanks Jason.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Things are still progressing

I haven't been posting much as the progress has been hard to see. Lots of little steps and nothing that is noticeable on any pictures I have taken. But, the latest steps have been a little more noticeable, the installation of the drivers seat rails set, the passenger seat is fixed. I have used a new chrome source for the emergency brake handle, which I think turned out superb. These two changes have been quite welcome.

I have also finished cleaning and painting the transmission this week it is now ready to marry to the engine and then drop the whole assembly into the car. I replaced the rear seal, it was a challenge but I got it done and back together.

I painted the cross in front of the radiator black, this is one of those jobs I was not excited to do but turned out it was quite easy with good results. Surprising what a lot of masking tape and paper will accomplish. I also rebuilt the original fuel pump rather than use the new one I bought, since it didn't fit.