Sunday, December 13, 2009

Last summer when I started this project I thought just a quick trip to the media blaster then on to the paint shop. A little rust repair into primer then paint and home for assembly to a rolling chassis. HA! Was I ever dumb. As it turns out the way the car is built this is not an option. Now that paint is going on I am a happy camper with a much lighter wallet but ultimately I am far further ahead than had I done it the other way. I can thank Roy Moore and Jason Stoch for guiding me in a proper manner, thanks for the support and guidance I really appreciate the efforts of both of you.

Any way this is a picture of the beginning, lots of rust etc.

After a lot of work and skill the result is the following, with a good paint and of lot effort look what can happen

Yes that really is the original colour from the hidden parts of the chassis, and yes I am painting it that colour for real, with old english white coves. I think it will be very striking and unusual.

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