The Rendezvous was excellent, with lots of Healeys from all over including Georgia an New Mexico to name a couple. Sunday we were able to meet many people from all over the continent. We were not the only ones with dogs either, a couple from CA had two Daxies with them but they trailered there car up several other people also had dogs with them.
There was another Florida Green over White car there also a very nice BN6, lots of red and black and combinations as well the most common car was the various shades of BGR (British Racing Green). The most common car was the BJ8 most done to the 9's. The most common thing was the love for these beauties the owners have. The star of the show for us was the fabulously restored Nash Healey out of Alberta just spotless and a thrill to see such god job. And I would be in deep trouble if I missed the 100/4's they were terrific a real testament to the appreciation these people have for there cars.
The Tri-carbs |
Check out Chianna in passenger seat |
Show day parking lot |
Rare Nash Healey from Edmonton |
The ever ready car traveler.