Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Rendezvous was excellent, with lots of Healeys from all over including Georgia an New Mexico to name a couple. Sunday we were able to meet many people from all over the continent. We were not the only ones with dogs either, a couple from CA had two Daxies with them but they trailered there car up several other people also had dogs with them.

There was another Florida Green over White car there also a very nice BN6, lots of red and black and combinations as well the most common car was the various shades of BGR (British Racing Green). The most common car was the BJ8 most done to the 9's. The most common thing was the love for these beauties the owners have. The star of the show for us was the fabulously restored Nash Healey out of Alberta just spotless and a thrill to see such god job. And I would be in deep trouble if I missed the 100/4's they were terrific a real testament to the appreciation these people have for there cars.

The Tri-carbs
Check out Chianna in passenger seat

Show day parking lot

Rare Nash Healey from Edmonton

                                                        The ever ready car traveler.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

2012 Rendezvous Parksville BC this weekend and next week

June 24 Laura and I are heading to this years Healey  Rendezvous in Parksville just a couple hour north of our home. At this point it appears that there is going to be about 100 Healeys there. The venue is Tigh Na Mara Lodge a very well known and beautiful lodge. The interesting thing is we are taking  two small dogs, Chianna and Seeker, not sure how we will fit in all that we need. So when I get it figured out I will take a picture so you can do it when you have the same predicament. I am hoping to be able to post to this blog about the Rendezvous as well as our travel blog at up there I think the Starbucks has Free WiFi at least. We plan on staying Sunday, Monday, and most of Tuesday before we come home, our house sitter has other things to do on Wednesday .

Friday, June 15, 2012

Closer and closer to being done

Over the last month or so I have been working on the car trim and upholstery. I have got all the upholstery done and most of the trim except for the cockpit surround and a few small trim plates. As usual there are a couple of things that that I can't get there from here and something has to be a different order and way. I guess some day I will learn all the tricks. I don't think I have time to though

Laura and I have been going for drives on nice days and enjoying the results of my labour, and we are having a great time just wish the weather gods would warm it up a little.

Friday, April 20, 2012

I haven't forgotten

Recently I have been working on the upholstery and on getting the car ready for licensing in April. One of the most important things to do is the tires. Last year I ran the car on a set of Uniroyal Tiger Paws, great tires and I wish they were still available. the biggest problem was that even though they had 90% tread on them they were 25 years old and the insurance company would deny coverage if I got into an accident using them. Last year I tried a set of Vrendestine tires for a short while and didn't particularly care for them, so I hunted for replacements and finally ended up with the Toyo Eclipse tires. They have great specs and great reviews from all kinds of drivers all over North America.

I had John at Quickstrip blast the rims and Jason painted them up for me so they look almost new. I got the tires at my local OK Tire store in Saanichtom and got great service from all the guys there, needless to say I got a very competitive price as well. They are now on the car and I am just waiting to give them there maiden run.

I have also been working on the interior and the end is near. All is done except for the transmission tunnel and shroud under the heater might get it done this weekend. Once that is done I am at a stand still until I can find some one to redo the anodizing of the trim.