Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The next step.................................

The next step will be the interior panels. I ordered them from John Skinner Mfg. in England last week so all I have to do is wait for them to arrive. I ordered dark green carpets and stone vinyl panels with dark green piping so I think it will be very pretty when it is done. They were more reasonable than I thought, I saw some on another Healey recently and I was very impressed with the quality, that made my mind up to go with Skinner.

There are several other things that have to be done one is the side screens I have one out being polished once it is back I will send the other one away to be done. The Plexiglas is in reasonable shape but there are several deep scratches I don't think I can get out but I will try. There are several unimportant pieces like the tonneau bar and the top frame that needs to be done The last is the wheels need to be gone over and painted and new tires installed and that is about it