Saturday, January 29, 2011

2011 time to get going again

Its late January 2011 and not much happened since mid November. We had holidays then Christmas and then out trip to the Caribbean (our travel blog It is all over for several months so it is time to start planning the finishing the car. I have the wiring ready to check and the engine ready to turn over, all I  have to do is static time then the engine is ready to start.

I have been out to see Jason a couple of times and it looks like the week of Feb 1 will be a good week to take the car back to him to finish assembly and painting. I will arrange it the best I can assuming the weather cooperates.

Trials of the exhaust system

A couple of days ago my friend Roy came over to bend up fuel pipe for my brothers BN7. After removing the line we bent one for the car and Roy offered to help install the rest of the exhaust system. After a couple of hours it was all done and ready to breath. The biggest problem was to install the bolt that holds the muffler on, only in England would someone design a system like that, no matter what you do it is going to be tough to install. I needed 4 extensions with a 14 mill socket to get it tight, it is all sealed with Ultra Copper so there is no blow by ( there was a little blue air also and it wasn't engine generated).

While I had the car on stands I finished installing the rear transmission mount and manifold bolts.