Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Jetstream is a Sidney body shop specializing in old car restoration and custom work. Jason has worked on hot rods and and specialties alike, from an early fifties Ford truck to an Opel GT, both were super jobs and was the rational behind using him to do the 100/6. Too say the least I am very happy.

Monday, July 27, 2009

More progress

The progress is going along well for the right side of the care is almost done and looking really good. the inner fender well is repaired the right bumper support is replaces and the door shut is installed the only things left to do is the inner and outer rockers and a couple of spots on the floor need to need to be finished off. It seems that every time the chassis is turned over an other collection of dirt and bits and pieces fall on the ground.
Once the rest of the parts show up then the left side will be started, the repair will be similar to the right side with a little more needing repair on the floor.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's in Primer and finally protected

I got a look at the primed chassis on Friday and what a difference, it is now protected and won't rust. I also removed the last of the fasteners left over from media stripping, mostly carpet snaps and some cable clips that were not visible before.

I spent all Canada day and the evening of the July 2, stripping the front and rear shrouds, it was an arduous task as there was 1/8 of an inch of paint in some areas and some of it didn't want to come off. I used Talstrip II an aircraft aluminum paint stripper and it took nearly 4 quarts to do the job. I also found that some of the original factory prep was dodgy at best, some areas were shiny and smooth with poor adhesion, however it did last more than 50 years.

Jason spent the last weekend making a Healey rotisserie for it and mounting the chassis. The rotisserie really looks good and will make it easier for him to do the body work on my chassis and future projects. One never knows, I might need it for another project in the future . Wink wink nudge nudge know what I mean say no more.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Return from the Media Blaster

Today I got the first look at the stripped chassis, Quick Strip did an incredible job of media blasting. Generally I think it is a good solid unit and well worth restoring. There are some area's that will be replaced and other area's that will be repaired, all in all not much for a 50+ year old car.

Jason and I looked closely and picked out the parts that are needed, I had already got most of them and the others are available by order from England. Later in the day, Roy Moore, a good friend, and I went out for another look, and checked out several things to make it easier later. A visit to Roy's parts storage produced some other parts that are needed, we made up an order and I left it in Roy's capable hands.