Saturday, June 13, 2009

The stripped down chassis ready for media blast!

I visited with John at Quick Strip yesterday and got a couple of shots of the stripped chassis. I also took a few as reference so can I get the car back together the way it started. I am really looking forward to seeing it with out any paint on it. That will tell the story of what has to be done. Once it is stripped it will go to Jason Stoch at Jetstream Custom Auto for primer and evaluation.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The turning point

Tonight was a turning point for me and the 100/6. Quick Strip in Sidney BC came by and we loaded the frame in to the trailer. John will be starting media blasting in the next few days. It was too dark to take pictures so I will try to get some before he get started stripping it. At this point I think I am turning the corner of disassembly and rebuild. I am so excited to be here at this point in the project. I will post pictures as I can.